Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Being Diagnosed

Since my last breast cancer was 6 1/2 years ago, I only have my mammogram once a year.  Both previous breast cancers were caught on a mammogram, but this once was not.  I had a mammogram in April of this year and everything came back clean.  All three cancers have been on the same breast.

At the same time I was having a mammogram, I had a little spot that had come up on my breast that looked like a dot from a pen.  My surgeon said to watch it, and see if it changed.

My surgeon tells me the truth with compassion. All surgery is explained in detail.  He answers all the questions I have.  I love my surgeon.  He has performed every surgery that I have had to have done.  I trust him with my life. 

Just as a note, I like to talk about my doctors, because I think they are the best in their areas of expertise. I don't know that I could have doctors that were any better than the ones I have. I think Halifax Health Care has some of the best doctors. And my doctors are all under my Florida Health Care insurance.

So, back to the dot.  The dot was sort of gray in color and was in a dented area  in my breast, which was from a previous surgery.  I thought the dot was a piece of dirt that had somehow got stuck in this dent.  So, while taking a shower, I decided to scrub it.  Then it started to change, and I thought it was because I irritated it.  I don't know why I didn't think it was a problem, I guess it I thought it changed because I scrubbed it.

If it had not been for my annual radiation oncology appointment in July, I am not sure when I would have decided that the spot was an issue. 

My radiation oncologist is a warm person.  She is smart and funny.  I appreciate funny and kind when I am scared.  I admire and respect her.  I am glad she is my doctor.

While my oncologist was examining me, I asked her what she thought it was on my breast.  By this time it had grown to the size of a navy bean.  It looked something like a gray scab and felt rough.

This was on a Thursday.  She took one look, snapped a picture of it and sent it to my surgeon.  An appointment was set on Monday to talk to the surgeon. 

My surgeon said that it was possible that the spot could have been from being previously radiated (which was 12 years earlier), or, it could be the cancer was back.  By Friday, I was having surgery, and the following week I found out it was cancer.

This type of cancer is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Her2/ neu.  I read that most breast cancers are Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  The Her2/ neu makes it more aggressive.

Petrified would be the best word I could to describe how i felt.  When I feel strong, I can say "game on".  I just wish I felt that way all the time.

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